viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2016

Aumento del CO2 Yellowstone y California alerta a expertos

Una serie de actividades anormales han estado pasando en EEUU, curiosos aumento de gases relacionados con movimientos geológicos, ¿Podrán ser un aviso de algo grande?

Este video nos comenta de todo esto

1 comentario:

  1. celestial science; Telepathic writing; Telepathic doctrine; Telepathic wonder; the rolls of the Lamb of God; Lamb of God doctrine; alpha and omega divine revelation; telepathic message of eternal father alpha and omega; the great consoler; the spirit of truth; realization of the vision of John on the island of Patmos (Apocalypse Chapter 5); is the expected revelation for centuries; see, hear, analyze, compare, draw their own conclusions and share freely; the original scrolls are handwritten; with lyrics in Spanish corrida; (Recourse to the original language if the translation is not clear).

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    divine Lamb of God; His divine philosophy; Silver divine lamb; humility made lamb; new dtriunfo the divine Lamb of God, on the strength and human pride._
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    divine origin of philosophies; relationship between the terrestrial and celestial communism communism; Communism is born with matter and spirit; alliances are common to all._
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    divine parables; translated by living telepathy; jehova issued by the parent; as the movement occurred in the matter; It emerged as the first vegetation; first plant geometry._
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    divine parables; translated by living telepathy; jehova dictated by divine father; the last doctrine which receive the planet earth; born new science and new world._
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    divine origin of Earth's sun; eternal succession of solar lights; the divine Lamb of God, is before the suns; as a sun rises; as the soles die; resurrection of the soles._
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    divine expansive thinking universe; solar chispita expands; They multiply its solar fluid; microscopic worlds are born; arise earthly paradises._
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    divine origin of Earth's solar system; the number 318 is expanded in other planetary alliances; the above is equal to what is below; in their first causes; galactic order Worlds._
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    divine origin of the number 318; number of terrestrial creation; as the first molecule arose earth; multiplication and development of other molecules; as mature planets in space._
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    divine creator number; the largest creative explosion begins in the alpha and omega soles; childhood of a number; the divine covenant of divine cherubs; born the first human spirit._
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    divine origin of human life system; the divine word becomes flesh; the celestial magnetism decides to create a new galactic family; divine heritage that comes from the kingdom of heaven._

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    Eternal Father telepathic message to the terrestrial world; second message; the first message was hidden from the world by religious rock._
